Qu'est-ce qui c'est, là, two posts in such a short amount of time? Honestly, if I had the time, energy, and mental capacity, I would update every day, perhaps multiple times a day, but I rarely have all three of those things at once, and would also like to be capable of showing some sort of restraint once in a while.
Regardless, today's blog title comes from something I saw on my godmother's coffee mug. For Christmas, I got her this lovely white coffee mug that came with a pack of dish-washer durable, changeable, ransom-note looking sticky letters. The concept behind the mug is to spell out different messages for yourself on your mug, using the letters which can be washed and saved and replaced as often as you like. Suggestions on the mug's box were silly things like COFFEE NOW or AM I AWAKE? and the like. I added a couple of Bible verses and inspirational quotes, because that's more my nannie's style.
When I was at her house today, I noticed it drying by the sink and asked if I could look at it. She had used the letters to spell out "TRUST" on one side, and "I AM CHANGE" on the other. Interestingly (ironically?), she commented that it's her favorite mug, and she feels no need to change the message to anything else. No need to change the message stating that she is change.
I suppose that, in its stability, it reminds her what she is capable of in terms of change, but only by the fact that it is one thing that will not do so. Perhaps I'm reading too much into it. I'm typing this all with a half-smile on my face, aware of how silly and presumptuous I probably sound. My nannie is an immense source of inspiration to me and a woman whom I truly respect, admire, and regard with a sense of incredulous awe. Her own journey casts a thought-provoking light on mine, and if she is change, than I can aspire to that too. I am change, I am change, I am change.
I am change.
If that statement stays solidly, rigidly, unflinchingly unchanging enough in my mind, then perhaps it will become true in time. I am change.
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